why does my mouth bleed when i wear a mouthguard

why does my mouth bleed when i wear a mouthguard

why does my mouth bleed when i wear a mouthguard

Many athletes wear mouthguards to protect their teeth and prevent injuries while playing sports. However, some people experience bleeding in their mouth when they wear a mouthguard. This can be uncomfortable and concerning, but there are several reasons why this might happen.

Improper Fit

One of the most common reasons why a mouthguard might cause bleeding is due to an improper fit. If the mouthguard is too tight or too loose, it can rub against the gums and cause irritation or even cut into the soft tissue. This can lead to bleeding and discomfort. It is important to ensure that the mouthguard fits properly and is adjusted as needed to prevent this from happening.

Mouthguard Material

The material of the mouthguard can also play a role in causing bleeding. Some people may be allergic to certain materials, such as latex, and this can cause an allergic reaction in the mouth. This can lead to swelling, irritation, and bleeding. It is important to choose a mouthguard made of materials that are safe and comfortable for you.

Gum Disease

People who have gum disease may be more prone to bleeding when wearing a mouthguard. This is because the gums are already inflamed and sensitive, and the pressure from the mouthguard can exacerbate this. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene and treat any gum disease before using a mouthguard to prevent bleeding.

Braces or Dental Work

People who wear braces or have dental work may also experience bleeding when wearing a mouthguard. This is because the mouthguard can rub against the brackets or wires, or even dislodge them. This can cause bleeding and discomfort. It is important to speak with your dentist or orthodontist about using a mouthguard with braces or dental work and to ensure that the mouthguard is properly fitted and adjusted.

Impact or Trauma

If you experience bleeding when wearing a mouthguard during sports, it could be due to impact or trauma. This can happen if you are hit in the mouth or if the mouthguard is not providing enough protection. It is important to ensure that the mouthguard is properly fitted and made of materials that provide adequate protection.


Overuse of a mouthguard can also cause bleeding. This can happen if you wear the mouthguard for too long or too frequently. This can lead to irritation and rubbing against the gums, which can cause bleeding. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and to only wear the mouthguard as needed.

Improper Cleaning

If a mouthguard is not cleaned properly, it can harbor bacteria and lead to infections in the mouth. This can cause bleeding and discomfort. It is important to clean the mouthguard regularly and thoroughly to prevent this from happening.


Bleeding when wearing a mouthguard can be uncomfortable and concerning, but there are several reasons why this might happen. It is important to ensure that the mouthguard fits properly, is made of safe materials, and is used correctly. If you experience persistent bleeding or discomfort, it is important to speak with your dentist or healthcare provider for advice and treatment.

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