why athletic mouthguards should be required

Why Athletic Mouthguards Should Be Required

Athletic mouthguards are designed to protect the teeth and mouth during sports activities. They are made of soft, flexible materials that cushion the teeth and gums, reducing the risk of injury. While mouthguards are not required in all sports, they should be mandatory in those that pose a high risk of dental injury. Here are some reasons why:

Protect Teeth from Impact

Athletes who participate in contact sports are at a higher risk of dental injury. A mouthguard can protect the teeth from the impact of a ball, stick, or other object. Without a mouthguard, a blow to the face can cause a tooth to break, chip, or even be knocked out. A mouthguard can absorb the shock of the impact and prevent these types of injuries.

Additionally, mouthguards can prevent injuries to the lips, tongue, and cheeks. These soft tissues can be injured by a blow to the face, and a mouthguard can provide a barrier between the teeth and the soft tissues, reducing the risk of injury.

Prevent Concussions

Concussions are a serious concern in contact sports. While mouthguards cannot prevent concussions, they can reduce the risk of them. A mouthguard can absorb some of the impact of a blow to the face, reducing the force that is transmitted to the brain. This can help to reduce the risk of a concussion.

Improve Performance

Athletes who wear mouthguards may actually perform better than those who do not. A mouthguard can help to reduce the amount of stress and tension in the jaw, which can improve overall performance. Additionally, a mouthguard can help athletes to breathe more easily, which can improve endurance and stamina.

Reduce Dental Costs

Dental injuries can be expensive to treat. A broken or knocked-out tooth may require extensive dental work, such as a root canal, crown, or implant. These procedures can be costly, and they may not be covered by insurance. By requiring athletes to wear mouthguards, the risk of dental injury is reduced, which can help to reduce dental costs.

Encourage Safety

Requiring athletes to wear mouthguards sends a message that safety is a top priority. It encourages athletes to take steps to protect themselves and their teammates from injury. Additionally, it can help to reduce the risk of liability for coaches, schools, and sports organizations.


In conclusion, athletic mouthguards should be required in sports that pose a high risk of dental injury. They can protect the teeth and mouth from impact, reduce the risk of concussions, improve performance, reduce dental costs, and encourage safety. By making mouthguards mandatory, we can help to ensure the safety and well-being of athletes of all ages and skill levels.

why athletic mouthguards should be required

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